Composting with us…
Reduces landfill methane emissions
Builds soil and helps grow food in Arcata’s community gardens
Provides access to a high-quality local compost source
Supports workplace democracy
This is where we roll…
If you live in one of the zones within our service area, get started composting by signing up for weekly residential curbside pickup. Zoom in for detail.
We provide you with a 5 gallon bucket w/ lid for your food-waste and other compostables. Our riders come by weekly on our e-bike equipped with trailer to empty your bucket . We then take it to one of our community partner sites to be turned into compost. That finished compost is then available for sale to our local community to use in their gardens. It’s the full cycle, realized!
If you live right outside of our service area, send us an email with your address requesting ‘out of service area pick-up’, we are happy to work with people on an individual basis. If you live further outside our service area we offer a drop-off service located at Jacoby Creek Land Trust.
Choose Your Service Here
$4.50 a week - Subsidized for qualified customers
$6.75 a week - Compost for the people
$9.50 a week - $2.25 goes to Income Equity Fund
$4.25 a week - Bring your food waste to our community garden
Your DONATION will subsidize our Income Equity Fund, making it possible for qualified low-income customers to participate.
Can be used to buy our Soil Booster Compost, or to sign up for service.
Full Cycle ‘Soil Booster’ Compost
Our locally made, small batch, hand-turned compost is unlike any commercially produced compost, because it is made with local food waste that is diverted from the landfill with BIKES!
Buying our Hyper Local ‘Soil Booster’ Compost helps support our efforts to keep food waste out of landfills, and supports our local community.
“What we call ‘food waste’ is actually a resource. Society tacitly supports an industrial system that earns millions of dollars hauling away and then burying this resource in landfills. Instead, we should be using this resource to build our soils, store carbon, and grow healthy food.”
– Morgan King, Co-Founder of Full Cycle Compost
Our Community Garden Composting Sites and Partners
The Redwood Coast Montessori Community Garden was designed by the students of Redwood Coast Montessori. They have dedicated hours of planning, building, and planting into this community garden, and even helped design Full Cycle Compost’s compost bins! The community garden is located in Arcata and is now open for the public to rent garden beds.
The Bayside Park Farm is a 3-acre vegetable and fruit farm located in the City of Arcata’s Bayside Park. The farm is dedicated to cultivating connections between our community and sustainable agriculture. Full Cycle Compost brings food waste to compost in the Earth Tubs located here.
Summer Farm Shares
(June to October)
Share Fee: $520
Supporting sustainable agriculture in the Jacoby Creek watershed is a major tenet of the trust’s mission. Access to local meat, vegetables, and fruit grown without the use of chemical fertilizers, pesticides, or other artificial agents strengthens food security in our community and demonstrates the value of working lands as part of a sound land conservation strategy. Farm shares are available. For more info contact jacobycreeklt@gmail.com.
Why Worker Owned?
Imagine if you owned the business where you work. What would you do differently? How much more would you earn if the owners’ salaries were distributed to everyone doing the work?
California’s Short-Lived Climate Pollutant Reduction Strategy – also known as SB 1383 – takes effect in January, 2022 and will require city and county jurisdictions to compost their green waste, such as food scraps and yard debris, in an effort to reduce the release of greenhouse gasses emitted by organic materials decomposing in our landfills.